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San Antonio Achieves Level 1 Trauma Informed Care Certification for Police and Health Departments

The City of San Antonio proudly announces its achievement of a Level 1 Foundational Trauma Informed Care Organizational Certification for both the San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) and the City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (Metro Health).

A trauma informed care organization focuses on building resilience and empowering individuals through providing physical, psychological, and emotional support based on principles of safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, and empowerment. This certification process involved gathering and addressing employee feedback, conducting trainings, educating staff members, and undergoing site visits. The Ecumenical Center, the certifying entity for the South Texas Trauma Informed Care Consortium, granted certification to both City departments in late 2023.

City Manager Erik Walsh expressed, “The Level 1 Certification is a testament to the City’s commitment in serving our community. By providing employees with the necessary tools and training to identify unique situations they encounter daily, we are able to improve resident services.”

The Center of Excellence for Trauma Informed Care team, housed within Metro Health, spearheaded the certification process for all City departments. Notably, SAPD stands as the first law enforcement agency in the nation to undergo the trauma informed care certification process with the support of Metro Health’s Center of Excellence team.

Mary Beth Fisk, President & CEO of the Ecumenical Center, commented, "This certification demonstrates the organization’s commitment to safety, trustworthiness, and collaboration for both internal and external consumers."

Both SAPD and Metro Health recognize the impact of trauma on their staff and have strived to create an atmosphere of safety, resiliency, and empowerment through cross-collaborations and trauma informed care approaches. Notably, both departments have acknowledged the need for dedicated spaces at SAPD substations to provide a safe and welcoming environment for those experiencing crises. These rooms offer a supportive setting equipped with comfortable seating, beverages, and a play area for children.

The City aspires to have its 40+ departments obtain a Level 1 Foundational Trauma Informed Care Organizational Certification by fiscal year 2026. To learn more, the community can visit The Ecumenical Center’s website.

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