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Bandera ISD Celebrates National Principals Month

Image courtesy of Bandera ISD

In honor of National Principals Month, Bandera Independent School District (BISD) extends a heartfelt appreciation to its exceptional principals who continue to make a significant impact on the lives of students and educators.

At Alkek Elementary, Dixie Moseley's unwavering dedication shines brightly, creating an environment where students flourish and teachers excel. Her tireless efforts are shaping future leaders and are deeply appreciated by the BISD community.

Alma McFarland, the principal of Hill Country Elementary, brings infectious passion to education and a remarkable dedication to her students. Her inspiring leadership encourages everyone to aim for the stars, fostering a love for learning among the young minds at Hill Country Elementary.

Bobby LaLanne, the guiding force at Bandera Middle School, stands as a steadfast pillar of support for both students and staff. His compassionate leadership and caring spirit make a profound difference every day, shaping a positive school environment.

At Bandera High School, Patrick Sizemore's commitment to excellence is truly commendable. His dedication empowers students to reach their full potential, leaving an immeasurable impact on their educational journey.

As National Principals Month unfolds, the Bandera ISD community takes this opportunity to express deep gratitude and admiration for these outstanding leaders. Their tireless efforts and unwavering commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the local community.

Join BISD in celebrating the remarkable work of these principals during this special month. Let us all acknowledge and appreciate their dedication, hard work, and the positive influence they bring to the education system and the lives of students in Bandera ISD.

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